List of resources for members of the prehype network
Email lists:
Angel List: Where we share the investment deal flow
Gigs: Where we share projects and gigs suitable for entrepreneurs
Events: Update about our webinar series 'BauHaus', dinners and other social activities
Inklings: The latest methods, frameworks and take-aways
Hit us up on slack if you are not on the list and would want to
Intro tool | Spoke
Spoke is our internal tool for finding people in the network who knows someone that you want to get to.
Chit chat | Slack
We use slack for most communication. Here is the link. If you have not gotten an invite yet then please reach out to us so we can sort you out.
Good rooms to visit:
#lobby - where everyone get announced
#quick - questions - good place for quick q/a
#angels - seed deals
#bauhaus - summery of podcasts, inklings, methods and webinars
#nyc - chat related to the NYC office
#copenhagen - local chat related to stuff going on in CPH or Denmark
#watercooler - just chatting about all sorts of stuff - can get noisy
#events - notification about prehype activities that you might want to attend